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Guest241083 last won the day on December 25 2017

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  1. .........when do our children fly the nest..? .........I too was an independent child ......,,,,travelling across the world to school with a younger sister at 8..... .........my children all left home at 17/18 though the youngest is living g part time at home atm .........till next year when he will of left to follow his career .......,,but I know of many whose children are still at home into their late 20’s .........lots of reasons .... ..........is a push needed..? ..........I don’t know .....I don’t think unless we are in that position we do know tbh .........same as elderly parents ..........until the time comes they need help ........can we decide what we will do .........as I’ve said before we have to be content with our choices.....and those of our family .........life’s a web we weave....with many a part of it.... ..........wether the threads are strong or weak...... ........,,often determines our path ime ..
  2. ........a few years ago I was ready and made plans to return to Europe .... .........I had a place to live.... .........some family and friends near .........but my mother who lives here became sick ........a son with health problems ........would they of managed without me? ........of course they probably would .... .........but could I be content not being there in there time of need? .........no......so I made a choice .........and even though here is not my first choice atm .......,.i try and do find contentment in my decision ........yes we only have so many years .......but we are part ,usually of a family ........and sometimes the happiness of the whole....helps the contentment of the individual ime
  3. ........I really don’t agree with the phrase using your daughter as an excuse tbh! ........it’s a reason....a commitment you feel and want? to adhere to ........that’s what family is about ........wether looking after an aged parent .........or a child not ready to move on .........it’s a choice we make .........but even if we sacrifice some of our own plans .........we have to feel content with it ........there are some that do put others first .........before their own hopes and plans .......that’s life....their choice ..........but be content in your choice ........feeling forced into a situation will result in a sad experience for all involved imo
  4. ........must admit I like the storms ........rarely last long ........and very refreshing after a hot day
  5. .........you do make me laugh PB... .........in this heat I’m sure there are many that reek lol...
  6. .........don’t think you’d get much for $50 tbh
  7. .........it’s what you get used to..! ........I rarely wore a coat when I lived in the uk ........when I went for a holiday I felt the cold .........26 in the uk I felt hot! .........since living here it has to be 30 ........our bodies acclimatise ........though as we get older .........the extremes are harder ime...
  8. ........here’s a link to prices here... .......just have t choose comparable cooker .......might help you make your mind up https://www.prestigeappliances.com.au/products/falcon-classic-deluxe-110cm-dual-fuel-stove?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&variant=22025073859&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsbSDmeCF1wIVXAYqCh0FRwxlEAQYASABEgL80vD_BwE
  9. ........ ......I know a few who have .......but the price here has come down considerably the last couple of years .......here in Australia .......some info on the thread I’ve attached
  10. ........I would bring your range cooker .........they are expensive over here .........though check connection compatibility...
  11. ........wow...! .......well done lke and wife... .......it's a wonderful tale to read ........and all the best with your little Aussie
  12. ........I think you need to find out what has been done .......and what needs to be done ........just getting these estimates can be expensive ........is the house priced to reflect this? ........often until invasive investigation is done ........the extent of the damage can't be seen ........it's a gamble at best ........termites can be eradicated .... ........damage repaired ....,,,,and regular checks can prevent reinfestation ..........it's about the extra cost to you after you have purchased the house ..........is it worth the price .........good luck with your choice and outcome
  13. ..........a few more points to consider.... If the property has active termites ensure that the costs of treatments and repairs will be paid by the seller before the purchase goes through Make sure they use a reputable termite treatment company that carries out a complete treatment and provides a guarantee, which will pass on to you (as the new owner). Sellers will often employ the cheapest pest controller to do the cheapest job – “just squirt a bit of chemical to kill the termites you can see”. Without a comprehensive treatment, the termites will come back! If a previous treatment has been carried out, understand whether it is still under guarantee and whether such an agreement can be transferred to you If the home is a new build, establish that timbers have been pre-treated or what type of termite protection has been included in the construction and that there are termite warranties on the property The bottom line is that buying a home with a history of termites does not have to lead to future problems, with the risk of seeing your investment being eaten away (literally). Knowledge is power and a comprehensive pest inspection is key. Termites can be controlled and eradicated, and a termite history could prove a strong lever in your favour when it comes to negotiating your purchase price.
  14. .........do get the damage assessment .... ........and don't forget decorating,plaster paint if needed on top! .........also depending on foundation treatment will you have to factor in flooring? ........it's the little things that mount up and therefore escalate the cost
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